Then, out of the blue, Michael said, “There’s going to be trouble ahead.” I wondered how he could know that.
その時、思いがけなくマイケルは言った、「これから先、トラブルがあるよ」 彼がどうしてそんなことを知っているのか不思議に思った。
I was breathing hard from the march, and my breath hit the cold air like dense clouds of fog. Michael seemed to be in top shape because I couldn’t see his breath at all.
Just then, it started to snow heavily, and soon it was so dense I could no longer hear or see the rest of my outfit. I got a little scared and yelled, “Michael!” Then I felt his strong hand on my shoulder and heard his voice in my ear, “It’s going to clear up soon.” It did clear up, suddenly.
と思ったちょうどその時、雪が強く降り始めて、その雪があまりにも多くて、部隊の他のメンバーが全く見えないし、音も聞こえなくなってしまった。僕はちょっと怖くなって叫んだ、「マイケル!」すると彼の力強い手を僕の肩に感じて、彼の声が聞こえた、「直に晴れ上がるよ」 と突然、その言葉どおりに晴れ上がったんだ。
And then, just a short distance ahead of us, like so many dreadful realities, were seven Commies, looking rather comical in their funny hats. But there was nothing funny about them now; their guns were steady and pointed straight in our direction.
“Down, Michael!!” I yelled as I dove for cover. Even as I was hitting the ground, I looked up and saw Michael still standing, as if paralyzed by fear, or so I thought at the time. Bullets were spurting all over the place, and Mom, there was no way those Commies could have missed at that short distance.
I jumped up to pull him down, and then I was hit. The pain was like a hot fire in my chest, and as I fell, my head swooned and I remember thinking, “I must be dying…”
Someone was laying me down, strong arms were holding me and laying me gently on the snow.